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Gender Clinic

+57 602 331 9090 Ext: 7651

Target population

Children and adolescents.

Available at locations :

A healthcare model based on the following premises:

-Gender variations are not disorders.

-Gender presentations are diverse and variable.

-Gender implies an interconnection of biology, development, socialization, culture and context.

-Gender can be a continuum, it is not binary.

-Pathology often comes from cultural reactions.

It is process through which transgender people change their physical appearance and social and/or legal characteristics, consistent with the asserted gender identity. Permanent changes are only recommended after coming of age.

This term refers to the anguish and discomfort experienced when gender identity and designated gender do not completely match.

In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association published the fifth edition of the DSM-5 and replaced “gender identity disorder” by “gender dysphoria” and changed diagnosis criteria.

Transgender: person whose gender identity differs from sex assigned at birth. Its abbreviation is Trans.

  • Transgender woman: person with female gender identity and male sex assigned at birth. 
  • Transgender man: person with male gender identity and female sex assigned at birth. 
  • Cisgender: non-transgender person.

Non-binary: person who is not satisfied with their gender and is not identified as a man or as a woman.

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Specialist in Gender Clinic