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Target population
Neonatal, pediatric, adult and elderly populationAvailable at locations :
The anesthesiology service is a leading program both nationally and internationally. Comprehensive and multidisciplinary healthcare of patients is provided, based on high standards of safety and technology. In addition, a human team assesses and manages acute postoperative pain.
The Anesthesiology service has capacity for supporting all surgical specialties.
Imaging, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, endoscopy, vascular intervention and hemodynamics procedures are performed.
Care units for labor analgesia, acute post-operative pain and chronic pain are available.
35 anesthesiologists are part of the Anesthesiology service. Personnel is available to provide support for all anesthesiology subspecialties: pediatric anesthesiology, pediatric cardiovascular anesthesiology, cardiovascular and thoracic anesthesiology, anesthesiology for solid organ transplants, anesthesiology for thoracic surgery and lung transplantation, anesthesia for neurosurgical procedures, anesthesia for gynecology and obstetrics, pain medicine and palliative care.
-Easy and prompt appointment allocation for pre-anesthetic assessment and surgical scheduling.
-Multidisciplinary management with surgical and non-surgical specialties for the perioperative care of our patients.
-Easy, hospitable and efficient access to our facilities for entry and initiation of the anesthetic procedure.
-During the anesthetic procedure, the patient is monitored using cutting-edge technology equipment and highly predictable and safe anesthetics.
-At the end of the anesthetic procedure, integrated care is provided to facilitate patients’ recovery and their quick return to their daily activities.
Do you live outside of Colombia?, Are you interested in receiving information about Anesthesiology at La Fundacin Valle del Lili? contact us at the following link: