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Pediatric Pneumology

+57 602 331 9090 Ext: 7337

Target population

Infants and pediatric patient up to 18 years of age.  

Available at locations :

The Pediatric Pneumology service includes:

1. Pediatric Pneumology consultation: specialized consultation.

2. A Multidisciplinary team for patients with cystic fibrosis, which includes: specialized consultation in pediatric pulmonology, pediatric gastroenterology, nutrition, pulmonary rehabilitation therapy and social work.

3. Pulmonary function tests: pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry, exercise challenge testing, carbon monoxide diffusing capacity, measurement of lung volumes by plethysmography, simple airway resistance test, pre-and post-bronchodilator oscillometry test, specific or non-specific (methacholine) bronchoprovocation tests for allergens, measurement of respiratory muscle strength, ergospirometry or integrated cardiopulmonary exercise test and six-minute walk test. 

4. Pulmonary rehabilitation program for chronic respiratory diseases.

5. Pulmonary rehabilitation program for asthmatic patients. 

6. Sleep study centers: polysomnogram, titration polysomnogram for medical devices. 

7. Pediatric bronchoscopy: bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage, sampling for ciliary ultra-structural study.



The pneumology service currently has a medical team of two service- and teamwork–oriented, highly professional full-time pediatric pneumologists with several years of continuous work experience.

Cutting-edge technology is at the service of our patients. Also, our university hospital leads research and teaching activities as one of the fundamental mainstays of our mission.

Do you live outside of Colombia?, Are you interested in receiving information about Pediatric Pneumology at La Fundacin Valle del Lili? contact us at the following link:

International Office

Specialist in Pediatric Pneumology