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Advanced Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery

+57 602 331 9090 Ext: 7454

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Personas con problemas de obesidad mórbida o extrema o con alguna condición que afecte la cavidad abdominal.

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Service description:


The Advanced Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery service is focused on the comprehensive management of benign gastrointestinal diseases, abdominal wall conditions and obesity disorders.

To treat the different conditions that afflict the abdominal cavity, specialized surgical techniques are used that do not leave unpleasant scars, less post-surgical pain is felt and allows incorporation into your daily activities more quickly.

We work hand in hand with a multidisciplinary group made up of doctors specializing in bariatric surgery, endocrinology, nutrition, psychiatry, physiatry and other specialties, depending on each patient’s needs.

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    • Bariatric surgery: gastric sleeve (gastric sleeve), gastric bypass, bypass of an anastomosis.
    • Revision surgery (by weight regeneration after bariatric surgery).
    • Medical or intragastric balloon management (without endoscopy)

    Management of gastroesophageal pathology:

    • Acid reflux.
    • Achalasia.
    • Hiatal hernia.
    • Benign gastric lesions.

    Biliary and hepatic pathology:

    • Cholelithiasis.
    • Liver cysts.
    • liver biopsies.

    Solid viscera:

    • Diseases of spleen.
    • Adrenal Masses.
    • Benign masses of the pancreas

    Abdominal wall:

    • Diastasis of rectus abdominis muscles.
    • Umbilical hernias.
    • Ventral hernias.
    • Inguinal hernia.
    • Diaphragmatic Hernia.
    • Adherence syndrome (intra-abdominal scars).
    • It is a high quality service with professionals with extensive experience and formal university education in the subspecialty of advanced laparoscopic surgery, together with a philosophy of humanized treatment and thinking about the specific needs of each patient.
    • We implement the latest techniques for our procedures, which together with medical equipment and high-tech supplies guarantee the patient the highest standard of safety.

    Our exceptional clinical outcomes far exceed international standards, and we are proud to share them with you:

    • Our post-surgical complication rate is 3.4%, which is below the established standard of less than 10%.
    • We have not recorded any cases of fistulas.
    • No infections have been reported in our patients.
    • Nor have we had any cases of pulmonary thromboembolism.
    • As for weight loss, our patients have achieved a percentage of more than 50% excess weight lost per year.

    These outstanding achievements are the result of our highly trained team and our tireless dedication to delivering you the best results possible.

    Do you live outside of Colombia?, Are you interested in receiving information about Advanced Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery at La Fundacin Valle del Lili? contact us at the following link:

    International Office

    Media content

    Specialist in Advanced Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery