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In Barbados, we were at the Caribbean Congress of Orthopedics with Dr. Jaime Barreto, orthopedist specializing in spinal surgery and at the Caribbean Congress of Oncology with Dr. Francisco Jaramillo, hematologist specializing in bone marrow transplantation as panelists.
Our Institution has been, for many years, an ally for the Caribbean region in the provision of high complexity health services and through participation in this type of spaces we seek to strengthen the relationship between specialists and institutions.
We worked to continue positioning ourselves as a health destination with different strategies such as participation in different media, so during these conferences we were present in TV and radio programs such as ‘Lunchtime doctor’.
In addition, the visit to these countries allowed us to reconnect with some of our international patients who have trusted us to take care of their health.
If you want to know more about the International Office of Fundación Valle del Lili (Valle del Lili Foundation) and its services, visit: