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Heart failure

Heart failure

It is the heart’s inability to adequately pump blood throughout the body. Because of this, muscles and other organs receive less blood, and fluids tend to be retained in the lungs, legs, and abdomen. As a consequence, the body tires easily and can swell.

More information: Heart failure: generalities

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Warning in heart failure patients signs

Warning in heart failure patients signs

As a family member or heart failure patient, it is important to know what signals the body presents to identify the severity of this condition.

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Medications are essential for the heart failure treatment. Generally, the patient should use them for the rest of their life. If these are properly used they can:

  • Extend life time.
  • Reduce the symptoms of the disease.
  • Improve the breathing ability.
  • Increase body energy.
  • Increase the ability to exercise.
  • Avoid hospitalizations as much as possible.
  • They improve the quality of life.

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Proper nutrition is essential to enjoy good health. Specific recommendations regarding the consumption of sodium, potassium, fats and liquids should be followed.

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