More than 500 full time specialists, who guarantee you appropriate care
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Clara is a patient who came to see me very worried. What we found was that her lymph node manifestation was an exaggerated inflammatory reaction at the level of the axillary lymph nodes, for which she had to be referred to plastic surgery to evaluate the possibility of removing the foreign body, which was the breast implant.
“When I examined and talked to the patient, I realized that in addition to the implants she had had for over 20 years, she had also been injected with other exogenous substances, in this case biopolymers. I explained to the patient that the generalized inflammation she was experiencing and her symptoms could be improved by performing a breast explantation.
“We performed the breast explantation, removed the implant and the entire capsule, and then performed the reconstruction where the breasts were sagging after the implant was removed. We did the reconstruction to lift the breasts and give them a nice shape and contour”.
“I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders after this surgery. I feel… wow! I feel completely new and renewed. The most noticeable change is better sleep; I can now fall asleep and sleep perfectly. I can exercise more and don’t get tired as quickly. I used to feel pain in my chest sometimes, but I don’t feel it anymore.”
Here at La Fundación Valle del Lili, we have all the specialists. This multidisciplinary communication allows us to make appropriate decisions for the benefit of the patient. “I felt safe and confident that the work was well done here because I was in the hands of specialists, excellent doctors. Excellent service, excellent everything. I am very satisfied with Fundación Valle del Lili”.