More than 500 full time specialists, who guarantee you appropriate care
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Fundación Valle del Lili has become a benchmark in the provision of high complex medical services in Colombia and Latin America.
With 42 years of history as a highly complex hospital, it operates with a human team composed of 811 doctors and a total of 8118 Lili citizens. Its growth is based on the pillars of excellence in Medical Assistance, Education and Teaching, Clinical Research and Social Responsibility.
Satisfying high-complexity healthcare needs of our patients, integrating clinical practice, education and research, in a permanent search for excellence for the benefit of the community.
Consolidate our institution as a leading University Hospital in Latin America specialized in the provision of high complexity healthcare services through a model of humanized and safe comprehensive healthcare, focusing on sustainable management with efficiency, surplus, social responsibility and innovation involving skills and leadership for the generation of knowledge and the development of human talent.
Our features
The great scientific advances of today’s medicine allow us to guarantee nowadays a timely and truthful diagnosis, leading to effective treatments for the vast majority of medical problems. Fundación Valle del Lili has smart technology, managed by a group of professional experts, that improves diagnostic skills, reduces risks of error, maximizes healing effects, is cost-effective and optimizes resources use. In addition, our social commitment leads us to constantly renew our teams and continually updating our staff’s knowledge, through continuous training programs.
Fundación Valle del Lili is a private, non-profit entity, officially established on November 25, 1982, whose financial capital comes from donations by the Colombian private sector.
More infoThe focus of social responsibility transcends from its missionary objectives, and includes contributing to the development of the community of which it is a part.
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