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Adult Palliative Care

+57 602 331 9090 Ext: 7906

Target population

Pediatric and adult population. 

Available at locations :

The service

Early palliative care allows for a better control of symptoms, family support and preparation for mourning.

The program offers assistance to patients in the outpatient service, general admissions, emergency service, ICU Betania Hospital admissions (Short Stay Unit). Services of the palliative Care Program are provided jointly with home care. In the case of the pediatric population, Fundación Valle del Lili created the program “Cuidando de ti” (Looking after you), one of the few programs specialized in palliative care in our country.

Palliative Care in Fundación Valle del Lili

Since 2009, the Palliative Care team has been assisting patients in the outpatient, emergency and hospitalization services addressed to the adult and pediatric population and those with oncological and non-oncological diseases.

In the Outpatient Department, we offer a comprehensive care plan called “Palliative Care Plan”, which is included by the different insurers in agreement with Fundación Valle del Lili and certain patients. Under the plan, health-care is provided in medical consultation with an appropriate prescription of their medications, referrals for medical examinations, and referrals for further assessments and therapies as needed; also, psychology support, assessment and education by the Nursing department, and support by Social work and spiritual counseling are provided. All of these services are offered as many times as necessary throughout the month. In addition, the patient and his/her family have access to telephone assistance 24 hours a day and
to educational workshops, among other services.

The Palliative care team in Fundación Valle del Lili has a multidisciplinary team which is continually growing and developing, offering high-level assistance in healthcare under international guidelines of excellence.

The institutional Palliative Care team is multidisciplinary group, led by professionals specialized in pediatric and adult palliative care. It is made up of five specialists in Family Medicine, a pediatrician, four psychologists (with master degrees in Psycho-Oncology, Family Psychology and Clinical Psychology), a nurse, three social workers, a spiritual counsellor, an administrative assistant and a volunteer team.

We are working to be a model to be followed in palliative care services, in the way they are offered and provided jointly with multiple health-care providers and in the clinical quality of their services. At the same time, we perform top-level Palliative Care research in association with Icesi University, providing also initial training and continuing education programs in the subject. The Palliative Care team takes action to bring this Service to the communities as a bastion of the institutional principle of commitment to the community and an integral part of the humanization program.

Do you live outside of Colombia?, Are you interested in receiving information about Adult Palliative Care at La Fundacin Valle del Lili? contact us at the following link:

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Specialist in Adult Palliative Care