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Sport Medicine

+57 602 331 9090 Ext: 7122


Anyone, regardless of age or physical condition, who wants to improve their health through physical activity or optimize their athletic performance.

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Conocimiento multidisciplinarios para la medicina del deporte

What do we do?

We specialize in health care and physical performance for people of all ages and athletic levels. Whether they want to start a recreational sporting activity or perform high-intensity exercise, our sports physicians in Cali, Colombia, are here to help. We treat patients nationally and internationally, offering comprehensive assessments to promote a healthy lifestyle through exercise.


Our services include:
  • Prevention and diagnosis of sports injuries.
  • Evaluation of training techniques and correct use of sports equipment.
  • Rehabilitation aimed at returning to exercise.
  • Optimization of sports performance.
  • Individualized exercise prescription as part of the treatment of chronic diseases, such as obesity, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, and osteoarthritis.
  • Advice on the prevention and treatment of extreme conditions, ideal for travelers and athletes.
  • Pre-participation counseling for physical fitness, cardiovascular fitness, and sports eligibility determination.
  • We also perform pre-participation sports counseling for physical fitness, cardiovascular fitness and sports eligibility determination.

The Sports Medicine Service provides comprehensive and personalized care for patients of all ages and levels of training through:

  • Sports medicine consultation.
  • Individualized exercise prescription.
  • Joint infiltrations or adjacent to a ligament, tendon, or muscle-tendon structure.
  • Pre-participation sports physicals.
  • Interpreted surface electrocardiogram for athletes.
  • Cardiovascular check-up for adults and children.

We perform a comprehensive assessment, taking into account health problems at the time of prescribing exercise in a personalized way. We have multidisciplinary management with other specialties that participate in attending individuals who perform exercise, such as:

  • Orthopedics
  • Cardiology (adult and pediatric)
  • Psychology and Psychiatry
  • Physiatry and physiotherapy (post-operative rehabilitation for athletes, physical conditioning)
  • Pneumology
  • Dietetics

We have the highest quality technologies to support diagnostic imaging, treatment and rehabilitation.

Our medical team is experienced in:

  • Care of athletes at the highest level.
  • Caring for patients with complex pathologies.

People are always welcome to talk to us about their basic exercise habits, either because they feel good and just want to monitor their health, or because they need advice on how to safely improve their exercise performance. We also see people who are exercising regularly but not seeing the results they expected, and those who are unsure how to start a regular exercise program. Other situations are listed below:


These may benefit from consultation with a sports medicine specialist:

  • You want to start an exercise or physical activity program, get a comprehensive health and fitness assessment, and receive personalized recommendations to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of exercise.
  • Need a medical clearance to participate in a sports delegation.
  • Children who need advice on training load and/or early sports specialization management.
  • Women who want to find the best time to exercise according to the stages of their menstrual cycle.
  • Pregnant women, both expectant and postpartum, who wish to initiate, maintain, or resume a safe exercise plan that will provide early benefits to their baby.
  • Older adults, healthy or not, who want to regain functionality and independence and reduce the risk of falls.
  • People with excessive fatigue that is not relieved by rest.
  • Those who experience symptoms during exercise such as palpitations, dizziness, and joint pain.
  • Those who wish to initiate a weight control and body composition plan to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass through exercise.
  • Those who need attention for sports-related musculoskeletal conditions, whether acute or chronic, such as sprains, fractures and muscle tears, in order to diagnose, treat and establish a rehabilitation plan focused on return to sports.
  • Patients suffering from chronic diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes and cancer, who want to improve the effects of their medication and regain their autonomy.
  • Patients suffering from mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, poor eating habits or stress, who want to increase their energy and vitality in everyday life.
  • Patients with osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, low back pain, chronic pelvic pain and other pathologies that generate pain, as properly prescribed exercise is a key element in their management. Since the 1970s, it has been documented that people who exercise tolerate pain better.
  • Patients with osteoporosis and parathyroid gland disorders who desire muscle and bone strengthening, as well as fall prevention.
  • Those who require advice for the prevention and management of extreme conditions, whether they are travelers or athletes: Jetlag, extreme temperatures (cold and/or heat) and high altitude activities.
Specialist in Sports Medicine
  • Dra. Laura Ibarra
Specialist in orthopaedics with a focus on sports injuries
  • Dr. Juan Pablo Martínez
  • Dr. Paulo Llinás
  • Dr. Gustavo Gil
  • Dr. Gilberto Herrera
Specialist in physiatry with focus on postoperative orthopedic rehabilitation
  • Dra. Carolina Kestemberg
Specialist in Cardiology with a focus on Sports Cardiology
  • Dra. Diana Carrillo

Do you live outside of Colombia?, Are you interested in receiving information about Sport Medicine at La Fundacin Valle del Lili? contact us at the following link:

International Office

Specialist in Sport Medicine