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Fundación Valle del Lili is a private, non-profit entity, officially established on November 25, 1982, whose financial capital comes from donations by the Colombian private sector.
The initiative was promoted by cardiologist Dr. Martin Wartenberg. He wanted to build, in the city of Cali, a highl-complexity institution, in response to a need for medical solutions in the region. The idea was socialized that day to a group of businessmen from Valle del Cauca, who demonstrated their interest in the project, starting the initiative’s materialization.
Subsequently, the deed of foundation was signed on October 20, 1982, when the First Board of Directors of Fundación Valle del Lili was elected.
On March 3, 1986, the Clinic for specialized services in Centenario neighborhood was opened. In a property given as a loan to start with the provision of ambulatory services without ever losing the vision for high complexity services. At this time, the first specialist physicians, qualified nurses, and diagnostic technology are selected, and Dr. Vicente Borrero is appointed as General Director; thanks to his leadership within the region, he manages to purchase the plot at Valle del Lili, thanks to donations by Valle del Cauca businessmen. In this way, the development of the complete construction project starts, having always our vision in mind.
The construction of present-day physical plant begins in the plot donated by a Valle del Cauca business group, including all the infrastructure and the latest technology at the moment.
On July 7, our present-day facilities were officially inaugurated. Representatives of the national government, benefactors, and the Clinic’s medical and administrative staff, among others, and an important deployment of the media participated in the event. From that date to the present, services have been continuously provided following the highest quality standards, which has placed Fundación Valle del Lili among the most relevant medical institutions in Latin America.
it is a nonprofit institution providing health services, enabled in Colombia, with 36 years of history. It has an extensive background and an excellent standing at national and international scale, and it is always at the forefront in terms of research, education, health service provision, and science. At present, Patients from all regions of the country and different cities of the world receive treatment from its medical team of specialists, the new technologies incorporated and a highly qualified assistance and administrative staff in permanent search for excellence.
Fundación Valle del Lili’s services are focused on high- and medium-complexity healthcare, which is why it has highly specialized personnel, state-of-the-art technology and a hospital infrastructure that enables the provision of comprehensive and safe care, generating value to all groups of interest.
By the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, there was no institution in the city of Cali which could provide patients with high-complexity medical services or with the capacity to develop and put into practice new medical technologies. For that reason, specialized doctors were forced to refer their patients to other cities or countries, an unacceptable condition in a city with an important medical path; this caused dissatisfaction among Cali’s inhabitants. Initially, this type of services were provided by the H.U.V. (Valle University Hospital, in Spanish), but it was impossible to develop a private unit within it.
By the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, there was no institution in the city of Cali which could provide patients with high-complexity medical services or with the capacity to develop and put into practice new medical technologies. For that reason, specialized doctors were forced to refer their patients to other cities or countries.
Fundación Valle del Lili began operating at the Centenario facilities on March 3, 1986, offering stress tests and clinical laboratory services. Subsequently, cardiology consultation was started by Drs. Martín Wartenberg, Jorge Araújo G., Jorge Velázquez Noreña and Pastor Olaya Rojas; Drs. Jairo Sánchez Blanco and Hugo Martínez Villamaría started their specialization in Cardiology. Since the end of 1986, the Nephrology and Dialysis units, as well as the Diagnostic Imaging, Oncology, Orthopedics, Lithotripsy and Nuclear Medicine units started to be implemented. In August 1993, the Institution was moved to its current facilities.
Thanks to the PIFE organization, which belongs to the Rockefeller Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development, which involves retired American professionals who are interested in providing support for developing countries, a prestigious architect was engaged to help in the project.